Distribution Meals to needy families as part of Charity Restaurants initiative

Published : July 19, 2023

Nourishing Hope in the Heart of Yemen: A Culinary Tale in Sana’a

In the resilient heart of Sana’a, where the echoes of hardship were drowned by the whispers of compassion, a group of proactive residents embarked on a culinary odyssey to bring solace to their war-torn community.

Chapter 1: A Feast for the Lives

During unprecedented famine, where hunger cast its long, unforgiving shadow over two-thirds of the Yemeni population, the people of Sanaa dared to dream of a different narrative. With the generous spirit of Y30 and support from steadfast partners, a beacon of hope emerged – the Restaurants du Cœur.

Y30 distributed meals in the charitable kitchen one in Musik.

Y30 team.