Distribution of literacy books

Published : November 24, 2024

Haraz promotes education.

Due to the challenges facing societies around the world, education remains one of the most important factors contributing to sustainable development. Y30 distributed a large quantity of literacy books to literacy classes in the Haraz region in November 2024. It is the goal of Y30 to enhance education and to enable individuals to acquire basic literacy skills.

Teaching literacy is important for the following reasons:

It is through education that individuals can open doors of opportunity and improve their quality of life. As some groups may have difficulties accessing education, literacy programs play an important role in bringing about change. The educational materials provided by Y30 assist individuals in building a strong foundation of knowledge, thus enabling them to effectively participate in society.


Y30 aims to accomplish several main objectives through the distribution of literacy books:

  • Empowering individuals: Teaching reading and writing improves individuals’ employment opportunities, which in turn improves their standard of living.

  • Enhancing community participation: Education enhances individuals’ ability to participate in their community’s issues, which increases social and political awareness.

  • Enhancing educational quality: This initiative provides resources that improve education levels in the region, benefiting future generations.


The impact of distributing literacy books on society will be significant over time.

Empowering individuals can start a cycle of positive change within the community. People who acquire reading and writing skills will be better equipped to engage with their surroundings, thereby contributing to developing a more informed and sustainable society.


Promoting education in Haraz through initiatives undertaken by Y30 is a step towards building a better future. Education is a right for everyone, and investing in individuals means investing in society. We hope that such efforts will continue to support literacy and promote education, which contributes to achieving sustainable development in the region.