Rain in Haraz – June 2022

Published : June 21, 2022

Video 1: On the afternoon of 17 June 2022, rain finally fell in the Haraz Valley. The rain was seen as a sign of hope and relief, as people had been waiting for rain for months. In fact, it had not rained in Sana’a governorate since October 2021.

Video 2: In this video, you can see the Basin of Hope N1 on 6 June. As it had not rained for months, there was a great lack of water at that time. Normally, this reservoir has the capacity to store 1,3 million litres of water per year, meeting the water volume needs of local communities throughout a year.

Video 3: On the night of 17 June, the people of Haraz rushed outside to create a channel for water to flow into the Basin of Hope N 1. The water in this basin is vital because people need it not only for farming, but also for domestic tasks such as cleaning clothes. If it rains 2 or 3 more times, the pond can be completely filled. In addition, the rain will make the soil suitable for planting new trees.

The Y30 team felt the need to inform its donors about the weather situation on the ground. So, even if we have to wait for more rain, our team has the funds to plant 281 more coffee trees, thanks to your donations received in less than a month!

We thank all donors for their participation and look forward to planting more trees thanks to you!

Yours sincerely,
Y30 Association