The anti-qat project

Published : June 5, 2020

Qat cultivation has become widespread throughout Yemen, and its consumption represents both an economic trap and social phenomenon. Many Yemenis are spending a large portion of their income to buy qat leaves that, contains classified narcotic substance, instead of responding to their family’s needs. 

In responses to this issue, some inhabitants of the Haraz villages, located southwest of Sana’a, decided to uproot these trees and grow other types of crops that are more useful and profitable to the community.

Therefore, we aims to continue this initiative and replace qat with coffee trees currently growing in our nurseries. The objective is to revive the agricultural sector and the coffee production in Yemen.

The Haraz region is known for its fertility, its agricultural heritage and the quality of the coffee produced on its lands. About 75% of that land is suitable for growing this high-quality product that can benefit the whole country. Moreover, many private or state-owned lands are now uncultivated and abandoned due to the migration of the  population to Sana’a. 

This project is an opportunity to reforest and maintain these precious lands.